Sunday, August 23, 2009


I returned from Santa Fe 2 weeks ago today. It was an intense yet amazing experience. I thought that I would stop blogging but after a dream I had last night I think I will keep going. I dreamt of a house that was a mixture between the house I grew up in and the house I currently own. I could see through a room into the roof. The room was in color but the roof/attic was in b+w. I was hesitant to go into the attic portion as it was like going into a different realm, but I did. I saw a man and he had some ailment (not visible but he told me so). He told me that I had the vision to see the way to fix it. He said there was a reason why the space was showing up as black and white. There was more to the dream but I cannot remember much. But I realized today that the "template" realm or realm of the ethers is by nature going to appear b+w. It will not always be that way, but because it is like a template of the physical world it makes sense it would not always have to be in such detail. Fewer colors means it is more straight to the point. Both b+w hold all the colors within them like a seed. An example would be like drawing plans for a house. You only need b+w to convey ideas. You can add color if you want, but it is not necessary in this stage.

I drive around and I see life and it is so weird but it is like I see both life unfolding and the template/pattern behind its unfolding. Like a formula in math. I see analogy all the time. Grooves of how things go -- patterns of nature. I feel like the 5th world or akashic world is truly dawning. The people who can see it are seeing it but some people cannot yet see it. Even thought they are experiencing it. Kind of like a baby that rides in the car and senses movement. At first it is awareness of just movement. Then it is the awareness of knowing that space (car) makes it able to move around. Then there is the actual knowledge of literally riding in a car. It takes time for things to appear to emerge even though they have been there all the while.

I think I have always seen this way but did not realize other people did not see it the same way. Maybe that is what my dream is about? Showing me that I have something I should run with. I do feel that way with vastu. I feel it is my dharma. Like I was born with these traits that would be conducive to designing and building houses. Gestalt. As if it was a plan all along. It is weird because it is not something I want to do. It is not something I think I have to do. It is just what is. A friend asked me why I felt I have to go to architecture school....I don't really. But there is an energetic pushing me that way, like it is the next step. I am not doing it for anyone or because I think I need it. It just is the next unfolding. Sometimes life is not about what we want or don't want. Life actually never is about what we want or don't want. We have the choice to go inward and let go of things that hold us back - fears and stubborn mindsets about how things should be - and just surrender to the flow. When we surrender is when things go as they should and we move forward with ease. It is crazy how it works. The friend assumed I could make the choice. I can see why. But if he can see who he is beyond personality and ego then he will see me and understand what I am saying and not judge. Until then it WILL look like I am making some decision. That being said, maybe I won't go to school. I am surrendering and going to sit back and see what happens...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

building a temple cottage

The last week or so there was no internet at the hotel so I wasn't able to post. Which is a good thing anyway because I have not had much time. We finished up our small models and then moved on to create a 6x6x? structure in the back of someone's home (yard area). We found the woman's nakshatra and found a perimeter measurement that was compatible with her. It was very interesting to figure out which one would be best. We narrowed it down to 2, then drew the perimeter in tape on the ground to get an idea of what seemed best. We each stood in the center and it was amazing to feel how the energy was different in each and also how by simply marking a line you can "start" to create the structure even with no walls.

We started on the site by leveling the ground, finding the brahmasutra (line that runs n/s in the center) and the somasutra (line that runs e/w in the center. We then proceeded to find the exterior corners with a compass. It took forever to place the lines. Days. We would go home at night and it was like the vastu elves would mess things up just to drive us crazy! We would check, recheck. In measuring and cutting the wood we have to be within a 1/32 of an inch. Meticulous work but strangely enough it is not that hard. You just need the right tools and a sharp pencil and a good eye! And it helps to be working in a group.

A few of the people are getting vas-stewed. It is true how this knowledge is very purifying and if you are not ready to handle it, things will come up-dramas or whatever- that distract you and pull you away from being a part of it. It is kind of like the way the subject protects itself from being mis-used. You can truly create a healthy vibrant space for someone or create a space that brings them destruction. So you have to have a pure heart and be willing to redo things if they are not right as that energy will eventually come back to you if you do not.

I was reminded of hopi prophesy the other day. It says the dawn of the 5th world will come when the blue kachina dances in the square. It also talks about 2 brothers returning each with 1/2 of a "tiponi tablet"— one carrying the sign of the swastika and another the sign of the celtic cross. The 5th world is the world of akasha or space - the fifth element. The blue kachina dancing in the square is the fabric of the universe (which is a blue square). This is code for vastu. The swastika is also code for vastu as is the celtic cross. The scottish rite temples have a relationship with vastu building. It is crazy but I can see how it is all talking about this new age and how vastu will be a key element in allowing the element of space to be explored by people everywhere. I looked up tiponi and it means "object containing sources of spiritual power which authorizes action and protects like a guardian spirit". Amazing. These next few decades are going to be very interesting.

So next wednesday we are to be done with the temple cottage. We have the foundation and the walls cut. Still have to put up the walls and roof and finish the inside. It has been a wonderful experience even if I have had barely 2 days off the last 3 and a half weeks! I have been taking photos and will post at some point. The structure is already buzzing even without the walls up!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The rainmaker

It is sunday and we have the day off. I went to Monastery Lake near Pecos with Charley and he got in a little. He is afraid to swim but will get in up to a certain point. I will have to take him to the beach when I return to oregon to see if he is able to swim there...

Yesterday we started setting up the area and reviewing using certain tools where we are building the small temple/cottage. In the afternoon we went to cedar crest about 1 hr away to visit another recently completed vastu house. We staked out the energy fence for the house and the small temple on the land. Jessie said it would rain just as we finished up. And sure enough around 8pm the sky started to rumble with lightning and thunder and the rains poured like I have not seen in some time. It was awesome. She says it happens every time you start a house or a vastu project up. The energy reorders itself properly and brings on the rain (purifying the space).

Another classmate and I started to talk about "the rainmaker" in native american folklore. When there was a drought, there would be a dance in a confined area to bring on the rains. Given that mayan said there was a mathematical foundation to not only architecture but also dance, poetry, music, etc. It makes sense that one could bring on rain by doing a special dance or singing a special chant. But it would have to be based on this mathematical language in order to truly work.

Today Rose (classmate) and I went to get breakfast and we struck up a conversation with a man who turned out to be the husband of the owner of the restaurant. He was interested in what we were learning and happened to be of middle eastern decent. He showed us a formula that seemed to give support to why vedic math is important to use and why it is not the same as the metric system. He asked us to pick any sequence of numbers. For example, lets use 8310. If you add this number up, you get 12. Then if you take the same number and subtract 12 from it, you get 8298 -- the answer will always be a number that is divisible by 3 not matter what number you start with. There is something special about having a number system that is based on 3. He also claimed that the arab world bringing forth the '0' which created the metric system was the largest act of terrorism yet --- pretty bold statement but I could see how it could be true. Why? Because it makes the system total 10 (1-10) and this is not divisible by 3. If numbers indicate harmonies or frequencies/wavelengths, it could make things disharmonious. Jessie has been adamant about the metric system not working in vastu. There is just something that is not correct. We also talked about surveying equipment in class — how a lot of the sensors take measurements from satellites. This will actually cause things to be way off. It is best to measure by hand and to use feet and inches.

We have had a few flare ups between people in class this last week and in making the energy fence yesterday. You can see how the vastu energy is bringing things up for people to deal with. The information is pure and truthful and it is true that if you are not ready to receive it, you will be prevented from getting it. Kind of like self-sabotage. It has been very interesting so far to say the least.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ayadi and Angulas

I should be reading my book now as it is getting late...I can't even remember what we covered today? More of the nuts and bolts of building—how to determine where the front door should go, how to determine compatibility of living space among multiple people living in a building, how to design for a business vs a person....where the walls go on the grid, etc.

A builder from santa barbara (Ken) came today who is enrolled in the program. It was great to get some perspective from an actual builder. He brought a model of a temple cottage that he made (part of class assignments). It was amazing. Such beautiful detail. We also have a model from another past student. The 2 of the models sitting together next to each other were actually very potent. Since it is an ayadi'd design (numbers had been run and everything was compatible), it means that that structure is a living, vibrating entity no matter how big or small. About noon time I heard this high pitched noise and all morning I was buzzing as I had been sitting next to them. Later in the afternoon, Seth who was next to me, asked if I heard anything. And I said yes and he admitted to me the day prior when he was sitting next to it that he had heard the same thing as me! These spaces are so powerful.

I think I want to learn Vedic Math. Strange but I can see how it could be even 'smarter' than western math. And to think math scared me? I was adding fractions the other day and I never thought I would enjoy doing that. Things are measured in Angulas in Vastu. Angulas are the distance from the tip of your thumb to the first crease. Ideally in the most perfectly formed person it would measure 1 and 3/8" What is interesting is that angulas are able to be converted to feet and inches but not centimeters. There is something about the metric system that does not match up. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that feet are based on a physical proportion (was at one point) like angulas and is divisible by 12. There is something to this 1-9 and divisible by 3 that is important in Vastu. And 10 is not easily divisible by 3 (metric) leaving room for error in decimals. Over time in a structure as you were adding up things, these small errors get much larger and can change the overall effect. So it is very important to use feet/inches for this work. Who knew? My classmates from south america are not very happy that metric is not going to cut the mustard (understandably!)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today was a session on architectural drafting. It was fun to pull out my old tools. I still have a project to do this evening...Temples are built on an 8x8 grid, which is the unmanifest space. Homes and other buildings are built on a 9x9 grid (manifest space). Each building has a mother wall which is the main support of the building. The wavelength comes from the center which is known as the bindu point. Many people think in feng shui that the energy flows from outside to inside or that somehow the sun has something to do with placement. The truth is that the energy generates from the center point (which is the unmanifest blue cube) . And the point only. From the point, wavelength and frequency extend out in all directions. These energy waves hit the mother wall and floor and ceiling. Part of the wave bounces back and part is absorbed by the wall. This is why the house is then considered living. Because the energy is permeating the walls and it resonates. This resonance then can be made to match the resonance of the inhabitants.

The resonance is based on the inhabitants nakshatra (birth star). It is not astrology or woo woo. Basically, when you are born it is not "under' a star. It is rather the other way around. That the cosmos was resonating at a state that was both conducive to allowing the energy of you AND the energy of the star to be in existence. The best way I can maybe describe it is when someone calls you right when you are thinking of them. Was you thinking of them WHY they called? Or was their action of calling what caused you to think of them? Or maybe the energies were simply conducive to allowing the 2 people involved to tune in and this tuning in made them think of one another. "Same wavelength" is the answer. Wavelength creates star and child and says "ok now it is ok for this specific energy to be expressed".

So today I asked if you make a house for someone or a group of people or a business (which I assume is possible to find a nakshatra for), if they moved out after a period of time, would the energy draw the same TYPE of person to the house? I have not gotten the answer yet but I do feel that the answer is yes. It should - based on the math - draw the type of person to it. Before I left to go on this trip, I decided to rent out my home. When I bought my house, it was 2+ years ago and I had been freelancing and going to ayurveda school. The woman who came to me to rent the house was also in a job that she worked form home sometimes and sometimes in the office — a bit freelance in a way. She was going back to school soon for nursing. And she was a single lady like me. When I met her I felt like she was me 2 years ago. All the things she likes about the house were things I had liked. It was the strangest thing. Even if I knew nothing about vastu I would have to say that there is something to homes drawing similar types of people to inhabit them. Will she move out in 2 years too? Most likely I bet!

Side note: I looked up my nakshatra (birth star) in Tamil and found that the diety that supposedly rules that portion of the sky also is the diety that looks after black animals. So Charley and I have something in common. I am sure it is no accident!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

frequency and wavelength

Today was chocked full of math — the answers are all there. How you can find one's resonance and if they will or not be compatible with other resonances? It is crazy to think there is a science to all of this. But there really is. We talked about nakshatras which are an individual or house/building's frequency. It is determined by their birth time, date and location because at that point in time, there was a specific vibration happening and we can tap back into that.

We talked about the center of the earth being a cube. Scientists have recently discovered this and it is exactly what vastu would say is true. ( see ) Manifestation happens from a square to a circle (8x8 to a 9x9). What was the most fascinating though was discussing then the quality of the wavelength coming from that cubical form as it rotates. These qualities radiating out from the center of the earth are what give is various landforms and characteristics of regions. So a mountain is formed by the nature of the wave coming from the core, as is desert or water regions, etc. And the vegetation and animals that inhabit that area are there by nature of wavelength/frequency as well. What happens when a human tries to live in the desert? It is not natural and the energies of that place will not be life supporting long-term. Take a hint: don't live in the desert if you want to be able to resonate with the absolute -- well, that is unless you are a scorpion :)

What is cool about this is that when we hear in the watered down vastu or feng shui version (that makes no connection to math and sounds more superstitious) say "having a plot of land with the NE corner higher than the other surrounding land will bring excessive grief", we know now that we can explain why. The NE corner of the square in the rules of manifestation in vastu say that corner will have the qualities of water. When excess land is in that corner we have a greater combinations of the elements water and earth. Land is earth element. Emotions are water. They flow and can be "dried up or dissipated" with knowledge (fire). But when combined with earth we get a bogged down emotional state of which excessive grief fits the bill. I am glad to have studied ayurveda and the elements before this as now I have an idea of how these 5 states manifest in the world whether physically, emotionally or mentally or however...

I continue to be fascinated and each day see the world a little differently...oh and I am fairly certain I saw a UFO last night! Another classmate saw it too so I am not the only one off my rocker. Funny enough, Mayan wrote a treatise on how to build a UFO among all the other topics he covered (there were a lot!). Made me laugh at the timing...then again weird things happen in NM usually.

All of this makes me think about the direction of medicine. Seems it should go in the vibrational direction? If you live in a vastu structure and your town and community where planned via vastu maybe there would at one point be no need to go to a physician? And no reason to do yoga or meditate either. You would be in bliss all the time!

Monday, July 13, 2009

It is hard for me to even start writing today. There were so many things we went over in terms of the history surrounding vastu. Jessie pulled material from all over to support Mayan's existence and the extent of his impact on the world (and why very few people know about him). She talked about the difference between brahmans and vishwabrahmans (of which mayan was a member). It is believed that one of mayans disciples traveled north to russia as the ukrainian language has close ties to tamil. It is also believed that one of his disciples traveled to s. america bringing the vastu information to people there. One of his disciples names was maayan (2 a's) and this is how it is written in s. america. The evidence of mayan vastu temples and structures spans the globe with even examples in Mississippi. What is crazy is that mayan was a fisherman, a carpenter, had 12 disciples...who else do we know with those characteristics? Is that a coincidence? Also the name "Abraham" in the old testament sounds like "a - brahman". And even though we spell it a certain way in english, there are other spellings and indications the old testament ultimately is paying homage or referencing Mayan. There is a close link to kaballah/judaism. It was just an amazing day — everything clicking into place. We listened to vastu music. Talked about how poetry and drama and art are influenced by vastu — or rather can be made per vastu so that they resonate with the individual in a profound way. It made me think of my dad who is so moved by music and art and literature. It is so possible that he is connecting with the divine source by exposing himself to these things! They move the abode in the heart which is where our seat of consciousness lies. It is said that to be a shilpi (sculptor/creator) one must be trained in art, music, dance, architecture, sculpture, literature in addition to mathematics. They are all important and make one well rounded. I can see looking back at my life I have been drawn to all things...from dance as a child to drawing houses constantly to considering architecture for a career, to being interested in music, considering pottery as a all makes sense why I am here and it makes sense why I was so fearful of math. I think I just needed to understand why it was important and how it related to well, everything!

The way to heal (on a mass scale) and bring people closer to the divine and experience this within is through architecture. Its divine purpose it to bring people to understand the beauty of who and what they are. We talked about 2012 too. Jessie said she heard a maayan elder speak on this topic and he said some amazing things. He said that prior to 2012 we had gone through 4 cycles relating to the 4 elements earth, water, fire and air. And that in 2012 the 5th element - akasha or space - would come to the forefront. The hopi talk of the dawn of the 5th world. Makes sense - the 5th element. It will be a shift in consciousness in the way people see who they are and space will be important. Already we are seeing huge shifts...people dying, jobs changing, ideals evolving. We must do this. We must let go of baggage and not be attached so we can "fly" in the akasha. Our connection to akasha or space through built space or what we experience in the 'ethers' will be of main importance. Look at where science is going? Exploring the unseen. What we see and hear won't be as important as what we feel intuitively in our hearts. We will start opening and connecting more with what lies outside by going within and finding the space within us that resonates with the external. As above so below. It is true. The reemergence of vastu and ayurveda for example are examples of this shift. For some time they were not needed due to the darkness. But now there is a place for it.

The implications of this science are huge. Absolutely huge. I can see cities being torn down and rebuilt because people know too much. It will be more costly to keep them as is due to the negative effects of bad (or should I say unenlightened?) building and planning. There will be a re-emergence in the arts and the world will start to dance again in many ways. The way the vedic literature speaks of time is that it is circular. Much like night and day. We have a number of years that are very dark which leads to a light period which then leads to a darker period. It is how things go. It is the sin wave of creation! Highs and lows. Right now, if you consider a clock with 12 noon being the blissful completely awake time, we are at around 7. We are starting to come out of the darkest period (6) and these amazing things are emerging to show us how to find joy again from within so the the exterior can express this.